What If
The truth is someone else actually does need this today, and would also be really, really thankful to have a clean pair of pants to wear.
If your pants were personified, wouldn’t they say “Wow I’m so thankful to be worn and to move around and see the world and keep this person comfortable—it feels so much better than being shoved in the back of that closet forgotten and collecting dust and cat hair.”
And we have abundance. We have privilege of having sooooo many pairs of jeans (or shoes or food in the pantry) that can sit there unused, unappreciated.
What if we instead lean into gratitude and let it go?
Someone else = our neighbors, mamas in need, people in our community who are struggling. Who are literally living in scarcity and not by choice.
We think we can’t help if we don’t have an extra million to donate to charity but little things like this add up and make a direct impact. As an organizer I work hard to get your cluttered, unwanted items into the hands of those who actually need them (AT NO CHARGE TO YOU).